"Hilarious new series from Queen of Teen – laugh your tights off at the (VERY) amateur dramatic antics of Talullah and her bonkers mates. Boys, snogging and bad acting guaranteed!"

Especially when the boys arrive. (When DO the boys arrive?)
Six weeks of parent-free freedom. BOY freedom. Freedom of expression… cos it’s the THEATRE dahling, the theatre!
Tallulah’s triumphant Heathcliff in ‘Wuthering Heights’ the comedy musical was enough to secure her place at Dother Hall performing arts college for another term. She can’t wait to see her pals again and maybe even bad boy Cain…
"The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey is packed with tones of Laugh out loud blush-worthy moments. It was a fun, quirky and light mood-lifting read which I adored and completely recommend"
The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey is an absolutely mental series and just a fun and most definitely hilarious read. As Knobbly Knees Tallulah embarks on her journey to the golden slippers of applause she is greeted by a host of entertaning and sometimes absolutely mad bunch of characters. Tallulah dreams of a summer of love and a stairway to success. Although when arriving she finds it much different then expected but she soon finds a group of quirky friends who she instantly feels a connection with (later becoming the tree sisters).
She soon discovers that if you want to shine in Dother Hall you have to be quirky and out there and soon becomes known for her Irish Dances and on the spot strange performances. Which lead her to be chosen as crazy male roles in both school productions.
Picking up this book I guess you could say I had high expectations. Written by Louise Rennison of the award-winning Georgia Nicholson series and me enjoying the Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging Movie, I was expecting this to become a favourite. I personally enjoyed it and thought it was a really funny read with bunch of really amusing characters.
I think in a sense that Tallulah Casey is really just like the rest of us girls with a high hope of adventure, with a feature that there not completely comfortable with and dreams of a perfect boy to come along. Which I think makes it easier for girls to share emotion with Tallulah just as they did with her older cousin Georgia.
Dother Hall all though not all glitz and glamour, seems like the perfect school and the enthusiasm and down right crazziness of the students and teachers included was really funny to read.
All the boys from Woolfie Academy and the relationships they shared with the girls was really cute. Even bad boy Cain as incredibly disgusting and vile as he was had a mysterious and intriguing essence to him. And I honestly think he will become an even bigger problem for Tallulah in book 3 due for February 2013 release. Then of course there was dream boy Alex and I think me and every reader couldn't help but blush over his sweetness with Tallulah.
This series for me was one of the fresh reads that kind left you with a smile and entertained you for what otherwise would have been a boring and dull day. I mean the trouble and laughs just doesn't stop for Tallulah and you can't help but sympasize with her to.
Though like most books it had some minor flaws for me. Being Australian her British dictionary filled with sayings like 'Lawks a Mercy' and other random words was a bit tricky and complex for me to understand. Though at the end I learned to just go with the flow or fortunately understood some of the definitions in the dictionary at the back of the books. Although I still don't understand all of it I must admit I am talking more like a English every 2 chapters or so.
For me it also started a bit slow which can sometimes be a major setback in a book but luckily it didn't throw me of the series and thank heavens for that. Those were essentially my only problems with this fabulous series and I am really looking forward to book 3 and overall I am going to give the series 4/5 stars.
That's all for today and I apologise for the frequency of these rather long posts that have started to became a habit for me, so hopefully I haven't been boring you to death. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a awesome new year. I would also like to ask if you guys could follow my blog if you haven't and help me in completing my goal of 50 followers before the new year. Only 3 more days left and 4 followers needed to achieve. Many Thanks, Pink Lady :)
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