My Blog Button

July 22, 2012

Hi Guys,
I am about to ask you for a huge favour and i would be ever so appreciative if you could do it. I made this new blog button finally and sorry to all those people who voted on the other options. But anyhow i have now come to a decision on which design i will use and i am afraid it not any of the 6 options I posted on a previous post. But I would still really like you to put my Blog Button on my blog! So here are the steps.

1. Go to layout
2. Add a gadget
3. Click "Picture"
4. The title would be: A Sunny Spot Blog- Check it out
5. Link would be
6. Un tick Shrink to fit
7. Tick "from the web enter. Paste an image url below" 
8. The insert this Image URL
9. Press enter on your keyboard and the image would come up. 
10. Click “SAVE"!

Thank you so much! It would mean a lot to me. Please comment if there are any difficulties.


  1. Dear Sunny
    I am going to put your blog's button on my blog!

  2. Dear Sunny,
    I have done putting your Blog button!
    Check it out ! At

  3. Hi!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog and sorry for not cheking out your amazing blog before I am now following.!
    Your header looks awesome! Did u get the pics from my ''pic of the week'' thing?
    Also you know those first six blog buttons u made on PicMonkey. Would u mind e-mailing me the original pic? I love it!

  4. Your blog button is really pretty! How on earth do you do this kind of stuff? My button is just a Keep Calm poster :/

    New follower :D

    -Sel @

  5. I love your blog!!!


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© A Sunny Spot. Design by FCD. Header using graphics from Freepik.