EJ12 Girl Hero News

February 25, 2012

So much good news to tell you. As many of you know, Susannah Mcfarlane's newest edition to the EJ12 series, Secret Safari, is in stores now. Information on book 13, Fashion Fraud, was revealed. I am looking forward to reading Secret Safari. Fortunately if you were a VIP on the Official EJ12 Website, you were able to read a sneak peak. We were also told that book 13 was going to be called Fashion Fraud and the mission would be set in Paris. A photo was shown of EJ12 cycling with a beret and a basket of three poodles, but most importantly behind her the silhouette of a female agent. Just today it was announced that the agent would be Emma's friend Elle. As she is joining Shine due to her win in the athletics competition at the end of Secret Safari. A photo of the Fashion Fraud Cover was released, it looks great and it's cool to see what Elle looks like. But wait, there's more good news. Since Secret Safari was awarded with the March Get Reading " Book you can't put down award".Susannah will be touring Schools and Libraries In Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. YAY!!! I can't wait to find the details of her tour, so I could meet her and get my books signed! As many of you know I am a very big fan. For more info on Susannah and EJ12 Check out my review and interview or the Official EJ12 or Author Website. The links are on the side under Sites I Like!

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