Hey Guys!
Sorry for the lack of posting. I was going so well with my two posts a week plan and then 3 problems occurred: School started, computer continued to be broken and I become very obsessed with a show called Teen Wolf (for any TW fans who want to know, I'm at the start of season 3).For a long time my favourite genre was Dystopian but towards the end of last year I started developing a love for contemporary. I sorta had and am continuing to go through, a massive contemporary faze and my January reading is further proof of that. I think contemporary has so much to offer and being my favourite genre, I think it's self explanatory to say that it's my cup of tea. Whereas I know some readers who seek a little more adventure, less cliche haven't really found the right contemporary yet. So today I decided to highlight 5 of my favourite contemporary novels that I would recommend to you. Whether you're thinking about getting into contemporary more or just feel like a fun contemporary read. Here are my recs for you:
1. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green:
I am sincerely hoping that you've all at least heard of or picked this book up by now. This is a beautiful and sad book of two lovers who just happen to have cancer and their story is unforgettable. Words can not describe the love I have for this book. I would go as far as to name it my favourite book of all time. If you haven't read it *shakes head in disappointment* then at least use the movie as an excuse to do so because otherwise I will hunt you down.
2. Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins:
I didn't write a review on this book because frankly, I couldn't form words. A&TFK is another very hyped about book but can I say, it is worthy of every single bit of praise. I read it in a day during school and when I couldn't steal a page or few during class my mind was exploding until I got the chance to sneakily read it under the desk again. Anna and The French Kiss is about American girl Anna who moves to a boarding school in France where she there meets Etienne St Clair. Boy god of the freaking century! Anyway A&TFK is one of the cutest contemporaries I've read. It's a really fun read that will make your inner fangirl swoon and squeal. Probably my second favourite book ever!
3. Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher:
Ketchup Clouds was a book that was stuck in my head for days. The writing is in a way simple but then in so many ways not. It's a darker contemporary yet their is something so innocent and honest about it. It is told strictly in letter format which surprisingly worked. The narrative was so endearing and compelling, you really got the sense that the protagonist was talking directly to you. To say I've never read anything like Ketchup Clouds would be not accurate enough. It's so original and I love the idea of a girl who supposedly has done something horrible, confessing through letter to a criminal on Death Row.
4. Just One Day by Gayle Forman:
I've yet to read it's companion novel of sorts, Just One Year. But Just One Day blew me away. It is a heart warming tale of self discovery, adventure and really finding your sense of self and sense of belonging. Beautifully written and honest. It's about a girl named Allyson who is on a European tour and stumbles across stage performer Willem and long story short: miraculously says yes to just one day in Paris. I also want to point out that I didn't love If I Stay and that made me nervous to pick up this one. But I really regret not doing it sooner, it's so much better. Definitely pick this up if you are looking for a true, page turning contemporary that will have you smiling with the so well done character development.
5. The Pushing The Limits Series by Katie McGarry:
I love this series! I adore it. Pushing The Limits is currently a 3 book series with book 4 coming our way later this year. Katie McGarry is a total legend at writing flawed and diverse characters you just so easily fall in love with. She writes the best romances and I love that their is more than romance in
the stories as well. All 3 books are very much character driven and have such a strong place in my heart. I really recommend them, particularly Pushing the Limits and Dare You To.
6. How to Love by Katie Cotugno:
How to Love is a another good example for well done character development. It's about a complicated and messy love and is split in a before and after narrative. The after part showing the protagonist as a teen mom. How to Love is a stand out from the bunch because while contemporaries are usually really sweet this doesn't shy away from the grittier side of things. I found it really hard to put down and I was really moved.
Other Contemporaries I love: The Distance Between Us by Kasie West, The Intern by Gabrielle Tozer, Lola & The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins, Geek Girl by Holly Smale, Looking for Alaska by John Green, My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick, and This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E Smith.

I really enjoy reading books in the contemporary genre and I'm a little disappointed with myself that I've only actually read one of those six books (The Fault in our Stars), so I have added the rest to my TBR list so that I can remedy that little problem!
ReplyDeleteI need to read Pushing the Limits series and Ketchup Clouds! That one really caught my eye when I visited Dymocks. Lovely post Sunny!
ReplyDeleteJeann @ Happy Indulgence
I'm also really liking contemporary at the moment and I think I'll be buying books a lot more often. Now with the bigger bookshelf it's looking extremely bare so what do I do? Obviously buy more books! hahaha
ReplyDeleteYay for contemporary! I really want to read Anna and the French Kiss - it's not my usual kind of book but everyone seem to love it!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on adding 4 more books to my TBR shelf :| Anyway, I really agree with your number 1 and number 2. I'm so in love with TFIOS and Anna and the French Kiss. I can't wait for Isla and the Happily Ever After! Also, will you be doing a 6 Dystopian Novels you should read post? I'd really love to see your dystopian recommendations. :)
ReplyDeleteI've read three of these, with Just One Day being my favourite out of them. :)
ReplyDeleteEVERYBODY needs to read that book. :D Thank you for the other recommendations too, I've still yet to read How to Love and this has given me the incentive to buy it! :)
I read more dystopian, paranormal, and fantasy books, but I have started reading more contemporary and I do love them (it's nice to mix things up). And I agree, I loved Anna and the French Kiss, How to Love, and Just One Day (although that ending...I wanted more!) I just got Just One Year from the library and I already heard how it ended so I just had to read the ending...and I won't say anything, but I'm still planning on reading it, I want Willem's story. Ketchup Clouds..still want to read that one, it does sound good. And I loved The Distance Between Us, one of my absolute favorites. Have you read Lola and the Girl Next Door? Or My Life Next Door? Or Summer I Became a Nerd? I recommend all of those. Oh, and What Happens Next. So good! ~Pam
ReplyDeleteSqueeeeeee! I haven't read How to Love or Just One Day but I flipping adore the other Contemps! Then again its hard not to love them ;)
ReplyDeleteYay, I love contemporary! :D We love the same books so I'm definitely intrigued to hear your recommendations. I've read all of these apart from Just One Day and Anna and the French Kiss. Wait a minute, aren't they both set in Paris? Coincidence xD
ReplyDeleteTHE FAULT IN OUR STARS. Siiigghh. You know my obsession with that one so I won't spam your comments with fangirling ;) Ketchup Clouds, How to Love and Pushing the Limits are all amazing too. Thanks for sharing, Sunny!
I loved Ketchup Clouds and obviously TFIOS. I have yet to read Anna/ Just One Day/ How to Love but have heard amazing things!