MAJOR SPOILER REVIEW: Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

May 9, 2013

Danger and betrayal, secrets and enchantment in the breathtaking conclusion to the Infernal Devices trilogy. Tessa Gray should be happy - aren't all brides happy? Yet as she prepares for her wedding, a net of shadows begins to tighten around the Shadowhunters of the London Institute. A new demon appears, one linked by blood and secrecy to Mortmain, the man who plans to use his army of pitiless automatons, the Infernal Devices, to destroy the Shadowhunters. Mortmain needs only one last item to complete his plan. He needs Tessa. And Jem and Will, the boys who lay equal claim to Tessa's heart, will do anything to save her.


I don't know where to begin or what to say. Oh and incase you didn't not understand the title, this is a spoiler review and let me tell you there are so many surprising things in this book and this review will spoil everything! It's not sinking in and anyone who has read this will understand because this was a phenomenal way to conclude The Infernal Devices Trilogy! 

I'm going to start of with the love triangle and let me tell all of you fellow readers and authors, that this is how you do a love-triangle. I loved that Jem and Will's shared feelings for Tessa didn't affect their relationship as parabatai. It's no hidden secret that I love Will Herondale and recently I've even changed some of my user names to Herondale Waters (Gus Waters from TFIOS). What's not to love about Will, I say! He has a awesome sense of humour, love for books and underneath a really big heart and a fake life-ruining curse. But of course Cassandra couldn't make it easy for us to pick a favourite because Jem is love able too. He is your typical gentlemen and he's slowly dying. Although I definitely favoured my husband Will, I wanted Jem to be happy too. In almost every love triangle there is a stage where the girl jumps from kissing one boy to another, leading them on and Tessa didn't do that. For once the female lead didn't go through what I like to call and will be discussing on a upcoming post @ Ink Skies, "The Experimental Stage".

Before I get into the epilogue there is so much to discuss. My inner fan girl is telling me to go crazy and vomit out all of these great things into this post. But the sensible me says I should save you the nonsense and write it in bullet points.

  • With Will's humour and stubbornness what better then a feisty, younger and female member of the Herondale Family. I loved Will's younger sister, Cecily. She has proven that to be a Herondale is just to be made out of awesomeness and she has heaps of Girl Power.
  • Magnus Bane!! I can see why everyone loves him, he is just the coolest. Seeing as I didn't see much of him in City of Bones it was pretty cool that I grew to love him in TID!
  • Charlotte really grew in this book and proved everyone wrong. She had a lot to deal with but remained head strong and was again a great role model for Girl Power! Sophie was also another character who grew a lot over the course of the three books and I loved seeing her romance blossom and her becoming a Shadow Hunter was a awesome addition to the plot.
  • "Lightworm", enough said.
  • I thought it was awesome that Henry actually created the portal which is used in TMI. Because in City of Bones it was just used but to see that the under appreciated Henry actually created it and it helped them to win was really cool.
  • I thought it was so clever that Tessa transformed into her Clockwork Angel it was just so awesome and I did not see it coming in the least. Why didn't I think of that!!
  • All of our questions are answered about Tessa and what she really is and it was really well thought out. Having to wait to the final book to find out what exactly she was. it was nice to finally have the questions answered.
  • As I mentioned before I liked the Love Triangle!
  • I don't know about you but I got the paperback exclusive collectors edition and it came with a really useful and interesting family tree. I'm so proud of myself for not peaking at it before I finished.
  • WHAT THE HELL: JEM IS BZ A SILENT BROTHER. Wow I felt betrayed and surprised. But I was also happy because part of me felt that even though "Jem's Death" was emotional it wasn't that big. Jem being a Silent Brother and very much alive, had me freaking out. But I've put it on my list of good things because I didn't expect it and it was a great twist to the story.
  • WILL <3 How could I not add him to the list of good things, when he is one of the best things about TID!
The Epilogue
Wow I was brought to tears in The Epilogue but I'm really glad they didn't leave us wondering what happened in the future. Knowing how pretty much all of the characters ended off was very emotional indeed. I was so sad to hear Will died and I loved that Magnus comforted Tessa in her grieving. That all of the couples had children and found the happy endings were so sweet, even though most of them were dead. It also made me happy that even though Jem wasn't with Tessa and was mostly a SB at the time, he still meet Tessa at the bridge. As for Tessa and Jem getting back together after Will's death, I just don't know how to feel. Part of me feels a bit betrayed but the other is like "Yay Will and Jem both get Tessa in a non-slutty way". Though I think there is more to the whole Jem being normal again thing, I just don't know how to feel.

It started a bit slow but once I got into it, it had everything I wanted and was full of surprises. The Infernal Devices is a series so dear to me and I refuse to say goodbye. It's only been the past 2 weeks I started reading them so I didn't have to wait, thank god. But Cassandra Clare is so talented. I'm assuming that if your reading this you've read TID, but if you haven't please do. It is the most amazing series ever and I got so much more then "A Holiday Read". William Herondale I will love you forever and I will love Cassandra Clare too for bringing me on this roller coaster of emotions and surprises that is The Infernal Devices!!!!

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  1. Whenever I see this cover then I just want to breakdown and cry! All I remember is the Epilogue and Will! :'( I actually didn't like the Epilogue at all! Remember how Will said he would never go after Tessa if Jem died? I just thought Jem done exactly that after Will died...

    I really did love this series but I just wish we'd got more of a Will/Tessa ending! :P

    Great review! And I loved Cicely too!! xD

  2. I've been out of the blogosphere recently, so when I logged on to blogger and saw this on my dashboard... Well I sort of squealed! I mean I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU! I could not put it better than you have... this series is just AMAZING! :)

  3. I just skimmed because I need to read this one still, but glad that it seemed to be a good wrap up.

  4. CLOCKWORK PRINCESS!!! ASDFGHJKL!!!! WILL HERONDALE!!! I am doing my review later, so this is good timing to get my inner fangirl out :')

    Thanks for the great review, Sunny! I'm so glad that you love The Infernal Devices too - it really is a magnificent series :)

  5. Thanks for the spoiler warning! I haven't yet started this series but I definitely hope to sometime soon! Glad you loved it!

  6. I wanted Jem to be happy too, even though I LOVED Will (look at me, talking in past tense already!). The epilogue left me with mixed feelings, though. I guess I just didn't have enough time to register and accept Will's death! But I did like knowing that he and Tessa had a happy life together. AWESOME review! :D

  7. I've never read a Cassandra Clare book before, though I might give it a go now! Please check out and follow:
    HG :p

  8. 5 stars.... impressive!
    I can't wait to read the series, I've heard a lot of great things about them.
    Marian ^_^ x

  9. Yay, fun review!! I was also very sad and emotional to see this go. I also liked the epilogue and how CC relayed how the characters' futures turned out. I know a lot of people would prefer to have an open future, but I liked the closure. And I loved that Tessa got to be with Jem because they did all love each other equally, so it was a nice thing to me.


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