Bit of a long post today. So I guess I should start by saying a massive massive Thank you to my incredible 41 (Yes, that's right 41) followers. If you are here reading this or have ever read this blog, then you are AWESOME ☆ Let's show some love for the followers (Crowd Applause)!!
Now let's talk about something else spectacularly awesome, this is my 100th post. Yay! 2 big milestones for A Sunny Spot Blog. So grab a cupcake, get comfy and enjoy this bumper post filled with Book Review and News.
As you may have seen on one of my previous posts I have started a book club. Anyhow so far I have read 4 books this term. Butterfly Summer by Anne Conway, The Statistical Probability of Love at first sight by Jennifer E Smith, The Look by Sophia Bennett and Adorkable by Sarra Manning. But my goal is to read 10 this term, so I am getting there and having loads of fun along the way. It's been really fabulous because I've discovered so many new books and authors. I am not sure how many books the other members of my Book Club have read, but I am determined to read 10 new titles by the end of Term 4. I am currently reading Withering Tights by Louise Renninson.
I am a big fan of the Emily Windsnap Series so when I saw this I was really Happy :)
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Adorkable by Sarra Manning Review

When I started this book I didn't exactly know what to except. I had heard about it from other bloggers. I'd seen good reviews and weak reviews. So I was really happy when i'd found myself loving this book.
Jeane was a strong and independent character full of quirks. She'd become a model for dorkdom and proud. She lived a long life by herself, with some social media device in hand tweeting to the Dorks of her generation.
First glance at Jeane and she looks like a eccentric loner but I really admired her. Sometimes she could get annoying but other times I could relate to her. She had such integrity and strength and confidence. It was really nice to see a character that wasn't bothered by other people's thoughts. She wasn't the prettiest girl and she didn't act or dress like everyone else. She listened to strange bands and bought from jumble sales and experimented with hair dye and sure she had flaws. But she loved the person she was and was comfortable with herself. Which was really nice for a change. She spoke for the inner dork in all of us, including myself.
Michael and his is expensive clothes at first glance looks like he is living the life. But as we dig deeper into the heart and brain of the pretty face we see that he is just your average boy who is sick of having to live up to every one's standards. He's sick of being the golden boy and he's sick of drama and girls that flick there hair.
Then there's Jeane who outside of school has the life any girl would do anything for but when she comes home or goes to school she is terribly lonely and longs for a life where she can depend on someone. As the story goes on we see that Jeane has a broken-home and broken-heart, that she is not as tough or shallow as she pretends to be.
On a not so strong point I'd have to say that I didn't really agree with some of the scenes in the story. Some scenes I thought were maybe just a bit to awkward for me and maybe I should have waited a year or so.
At first I though well something bad is bound to happen, i mean c'mon if you're hooking up with your polar opposite and have no feelings with that person to start with. It has disaster written all over it. I mean she comes across as a strong person but is willing to be used by someone she talks about as the dark side..... and that's why it unfortunately lost one star for me. I dunno maybe it's my age or something. But hey..
But then again it made it interesting to see what would really happen in the end between Jeane and Michael. Would they end as friends, would Jeane change, would they be true loves or end as pure enemies. Jeane and Michael fought all the time and were extremely upfront and honest with each other. But at the end of the day they understood each other and knew that they could call each other for support.
I thought there was a lot to be learned from the story about self-confidence and finding out who you really are and not taking things for granted. I thought the incorporation of social media was really fun and different.
As a lot of other bloggers have been saying I must agree that Adorkable has a lot more depth then you'd expect.
Over all it was a really nice read and it was sad to see it end and I would recommend it 13+. I really enjoyed it and I wasn't really bugged by much except for those two things written above, but I wouldn't let that change your mind. As Adorkable was a funny, self-empowering, heart-breaking, quirky, beautiful and ADORKABLE story. Can't wait to see what else author Sarra Manning has in store for us.
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