2 Diva's Bookish Discussions: Team Aspen or Maxon?

April 27, 2014

Sunny: So today we decided to do a joint discussion in a different format (inspired by The Bookish Manicurist). Our underlying theme is The One by Kiera Cass. Countining this theme, on Francoise's blog we talked about our One Theories. 
FrancoiseWe're thinking of doing more discussions like this because it was a lot of fun to do, hopefully you find it as fun. Let us know! Since The One by Kiera Cass is being published on May 6th we thought we'd discuss today which team we're on and why. If you haven't read The Elite we strongly advise that you don't read this!
Sunny: I've always been on Team Maxon since the beginning, personally something about Aspen has been off to me. But Maxon.., who doesn't love a sweet and awkward prince.
Francoise: Yes I agree completely! Aspen has never seemed to be the loving and caring type, America and his relationship was more physical.
Sunny: I know right! I find Aspen's relationship with America less meaningful, there is more chemistry between Maxon and America. Aspen somehow pops up in the most inconvienent moments, convinent for him though.
Francoise: Yeah, he always manages to be there when she is at her most confused or vulnerable. Just when she's leaning more towards Maxon, Aspen has to be there to make her even more confused.
Sunny: I think America as a character benefits more under Maxon's influence. Aspen is such a debby downer sometimes.
Francoise: Also Maxon needs America because before she came, he didn't understand what it was like to be in the lower class. He grows more as a person with her around. 
Sunny: I like that together they make each other stronger whereas when America is around Aspen and she needs his support he is just a "pick me, pick me" whisper in her ear.
Francoise: The reason why I like Maxon more is because he's not afraid to say that he needs help or has a lot of learning to do. He is a very humble character who is open-minded and doesn't judge people no matter what class they're in.
Sunny: Because of his upbringing, he can be misguided easily. Though I believe he has the best intentions for the city. I like that he's admittedly not a perfect person and he treats people with respect. 
Francoise: In the early days, their relationship was so much easier. It was childish in the good way because he was so naive as to what was really happening outside his little bubble, the palace. 
Sunny: In a way, America gave him a bigger perspective and outlook on many things. Their relationship was easy-going and I like that it began with a friendship.
Francoise: Yeah and I like the constant, playful banter between them and the love/hate relationship at the start. Remember the way they met? Who didn't laugh at that scene. 
Sunny: That was good, I miss those days! I'd really love to see a strong-willed and independent Maxon in The One (I'd love if Maxon gained some swoon appeal!).
Francoise: Yes, I hope it's less about America and choosing between the two boys, and more on their relationship.
Sunny: Yeah! I mean no Aspen hate intended, I'm just not a big fan. I think all of the characters could use a little improvement but nonetheless I'm really excited for The One!
Francoise: Me too, I can't wait. Who will she choose? 

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    I completely agree about Aspen - he ALWAYS shows up at the most annoying moments. It's just like 'GO AWAY YOU ANNOYING LITTLE POO POO HEAD!' -.-

    I do have to admit though that Maxon will need to redeem himself a little in The One because of that *thing* that happened near the end... ;3

    Great post, guys! xD

  2. Haha awesome post guys! I agree with everything you said ;)

    The One came out today!! Are you already reading it??

    Miss Perfection @ A Perfection Called Books


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